[mou] Update from Aitkin County

Warren Nelson wenelson@mlecmn.net
Mon, 11 Apr 2005 21:20:04 -0500

On Sunday, Bill Stauffer and I birded around the county in the morning
and Steve and Jo Blanich and I birded in the afternoon and found a total
of 81 species of birds. We found 11 GREAT GRAY OWLS ( 2 on C.R.1, 2 on
C.R.29, 4 on C.R.68, 2 on Pietz's Road about a mile and a half north of
C.R.18 and 1 along North Willow road north of C.R.18) and 1 NORTHERN
HAWK OWL along C.R.1 north of the diversion ditch.  Tundra Swans are in
by the hundreds, lots of waterfowl, Sharp-tails are really dancing up a
storm.   Warren Nelson