[mou] Eastern towhee

Emily Hutchins emily.hutchins@dnr.state.mn.us
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 15:05:53 -0500

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There is an Eastern towhee at Rice Lake State Park (Owatonna) right now.
 It is foraging under the feeder by the office.
Emily Hutchins
Private Lands Specialist
DNR Area Wildlife Office
8485 Rose St.
Owatonna, MN  55060
(507) 455-5841

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<DIV>There is an Eastern towhee at Rice Lake State Park (Owatonna) right =
now.&nbsp; It is foraging under the feeder&nbsp;by the office.</DIV>
<DIV>Emily Hutchins<BR>Private Lands Specialist<BR>DNR Area Wildlife =
Office<BR>8485 Rose St.<BR>Owatonna, MN&nbsp; 55060<BR>(507) 455-5841<BR></=
