[mou] Miss. Cty Park

Milt Blomberg mblomberg@holdingford.k12.mn.us
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 15:44:42 -0500

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Took a short walk along the river in Mississippi County Park, north of =
Sartell, south of Rice-west side.  Across to backwater bays, ~75 DC =
Cormorants fishing, perching, preening, flying about, and a pr of Hooded =
Mergansers, Canada Geese.  In the green ash floodplain, several small =
flocks (~10 each) of Yellow-Rumped Warblers.  A Hermit Thrush, E. =
Phoebes, Tree Swallows overhead, E. Bluebird up on the prairie flats =
where many houses are placed. mjblomberg
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Took a short walk along the river in =
County Park, north of Sartell, south of Rice-west side.&nbsp; Across to=20
backwater bays, ~75 DC Cormorants fishing, perching, preening, flying =
about, and=20
a pr of Hooded Mergansers, Canada Geese.&nbsp; In the green ash =
several small flocks (~10 each) of Yellow-Rumped Warblers.&nbsp; A =
Thrush, E. Phoebes, Tree Swallows overhead, E. Bluebird up on the =
prairie flats=20
where many houses are placed. mjblomberg</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
