[mou] Ross's goose

audrey lynn alynneretired@yahoo.com
Thu, 14 Apr 2005 16:30:02 -0700 (PDT)

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I found a Ross's Goose today at Fisherman's point on Whitewater lake in Hoyt Lakes, St. Louis Co. The Ross's appears to be a typical white phase adult and is hanging around with several Common Canada geese. He was there as of 5:30 pm today 04-14-05.
Audrey L. Evers

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<DIV>I found a Ross's Goose today at Fisherman's point on Whitewater lake in Hoyt Lakes, St. Louis Co. The Ross's appears to be a typical white phase adult and is hanging around with several Common Canada geese. He was there as of 5:30 pm today 04-14-05.</DIV>
<DIV>Audrey L. Evers</DIV><p>
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