[mou] Sandhill Cranes, etc, Houston Co.; Peregrine Falcons, Winona Co.

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Sat, 16 Apr 2005 10:53:09 -0700 (PDT)

Our crane-count group of 3 heard one pair unison call
east of Mound Prairie along/near Hwy 21. The din of
Spring Peepers and Chorus Frogs was deafening at 5:30
AM. April 16. Later, there was a single crane along
Hwy 21 near its junction with Lorenz Rd.

Also, active Bald Eagle nests (adults on/at the nests)
SW the junction of Hwy 21 with Tschumper Rd. along the
Root R. (Will soon be obscured by leaves)
And east side of Lawrence L. pull off across the lake.
Should be visible after leafout. Pull-off is unmarked
dirt/stone road east side of Hwy 26 to a terrace below
the hwy. This site is north of Brownville.

Incidental count birdies: Wild Turkeys, Ring-n.
Peasants, E. Phoebe, Tree, Rough-winged, & Barn
Swallows, Field, Song, Swamp, & Fox Sparrows, many C.
Snipe, Yell.bell. Saps, No. Flickers, Purple Martins.

Peregrines: One bird perched on the box at Great
Spirit Bluff (2nd bald eastfacing stones north of
Dresbach Info. Center). One bird perched on snag just
south edge of Queen's Bluff above Hwy. 61 ,about 4.5
miles north of junction of Hwy 61 & I90. Possible &
legal to pull off Hwy 61; need scope, but HIGH SPEED
TRAFFIC. Frontage road west of Hwy. 61 (Twin Bluffs
Rd.) is safer viewing but farther to view. Look
south(east) carefully. The "twin" bluffs are Queen's
Bluff & King's Bluff, both in Great River Bluffs State
Park and posted off limits to the public. "Falcon Rd."
is a short frontage road closer to the bluffs, but the
site is not visible from Falcon Rd.

Fred Lesher, LaCrosse

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