[mou] Eurasian Tree Sparrow - Cook Co.

Jim & Carol Tveekrem jotcat@boreal.org
Sat, 16 Apr 2005 13:10:41 -0500

A Eurasian Tree Sparrow showed up at our feeders about 12:30 p.m. to join
the Cowbirds, Purple Finches, Juncos, Am. Tree Sparrows and Song Sparrows.
We are currently trying to get a picture of the bird.  It has left the
feeders and returned twice, so we are hopeful.  Both Jim and I saw the bird.
Neither of us had ever seen one before, but this is a well-marked male with
the rusty-brown crown, black auriculars and black throat patch, white on
face which goes completely around the back of it neck.  Small white wing
patch, much smaller patch than on the closely related House Sparrow.  Bird
is smaller than House Sparrow, about the same body size as an Amer. Tree
Sparrow or between that and a Junco.  If it stays in the area, I will post
our location so birders can find it.

Carol Tveekrem, Schroeder, Cook Co.