[mou] Lesser Blackbacked gull Kanabec Co.

psvingen@d.umn.edu psvingen@d.umn.edu
Sun, 17 Apr 2005 06:36:59 -0500

Jim Lind and I were unable to refind the Lesser Black-backed Gull during a two and 
a half hour search between 1:30 and 4:00 PM. We counted 1700+ gulls in the 
vicinity, including a first-year Iceland Gull and a first-year Thayer's Gull at 
the landfill (directions per Craig's initial post).
Good birding,
Peder Svingen -- psvingen@d.umn.edu -- Duluth, MN

Quoting Craig <cbird@nsatel.net>:

> Find a Lesser Black Backed Gull this morning in Kanabec County.  It appeared
> to me to be a 3 yr bird.  First found it in a field with a bunch of ring
> billed gulls.  I went home to get my camera and wife and when we returned all
> the gulls took flight and of course the black backed didn't return.   We
> watch it fly off to the west and we think it went to the landfill.  We went
> and check that out, but, couldn't find it there.  I'm sure it's hanging
> around by the landfill area, but, there are thousands of gulls and we didn't
> have time to look through them all.  If anyone cares to look here where you
> go.  From Mora at the stop light of hwy 65 and 23 by the Fleet Supply
> building take 23 west.  The field with all gulls is along county rd14 which
> run south off of hwy 23.  Take 14 and the road will curve back to the west
> and after the curve the gulls will be in the field on your right or to the
> north.
> The landfill is further west on Hwy 23.  From the stop light its about 2
> miles on county rd 60 which will be on your right hand side if your heading
> west.  Should be easy to find since there are gulls flying all over the
> place.
> Another place to look in the evening is Fish Lake.  There have been tons of
> gulls out on the lake in the evenings as well.
> We won't be home today so if anyone has any question I won't be able to
> answer them until tomorrow.
> Craig Menze
> Craig