[mou] MOU Field Trip Report - Rock County

Tom Auer Tom Auer <mthomasauer@gmail.com>
Sun, 17 Apr 2005 21:35:07 -0500

The first MOU Field Trip of the season occured (mostly) in Rock County
this weekend and was a great success! We had a comfortable group of
six eager birders and spent a full day in the field on Saturday
despite some early rain. Unfortunately, we got fogged out for the most
part on Sunday Morning. The tally added up to 91 species for the

Highlights included:
5 Swainson's Hawk - throughout Rock County
2 Loggerhead Shrikes - on Co. Rd. 4 west of Luverne
5 Great-tailed Grackles - back at Hills Sewage Ponds
1 Lincoln's Sparrow - early
1 Solitary Sandpiper - early
3 Gray Partridge - near Blue Mounds
1 Hybird Pipilo Sp. - Split Rock Creek SP - singing Spotted song, but
showed a strong white Primary Patch

Sparrows were plentiful, including a couple Harris's, Swamp, and
numerous Vesper. Shorebirds were lacking, but the lingering Waterfowl
and Raptors more than made up for it. We even had three species of
owls including a Long-eared Owl near Luverne. A full species list will
be available at my website.

I'd like to thank all those that came along, as well as Bob Dunlap for
co-leading, as the trip would not have been nearly as successful
without him!

The next trip is May 7th around Mille Lacs, which will be lead by Kim
Risen. It's a quick one day tour around the lake and possibly Rice
Lake NWR, with a chance for lots of birds. If you're interested in
signing please send me an email.

Good Birding!
Tom Auer