[mou] Ravens

Bill Tefft b.tefft@vcc.edu
Sun, 17 Apr 2005 21:36:03 -0500

I visited local raven nests yesterday and noticed that young had hatched
and were large enough to be seen as the adult fed them.  

This morning I had the opportunity to see an encounter between a raven
and a muskrat that was walking one of the streets in Ely but far from
water.  The muskrat was determined to continue westbound on Harvey
Street even though the raven kept attempting rear attacks at its tail. 
The muskrat would turn and confront the raven and then continue on once
it backed off.  Finally, the raven gave up and the muskat continued on
west  on Harvey, south on 3rd, then west on Conan.  Then I gave up the

St. Louis County

Bill Tefft
Parks and Recreation Instructor
Vermilion Community College
1900 E. Camp Street
Ely, MN  55731
Phone: 218-365-7241
Fax: 218-365-7207