[mou] Florida and back home in Duluth

TeamVagrant@aol.com TeamVagrant@aol.com
Mon, 18 Apr 2005 20:41:30 EDT

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Just a note for those who might be interested.  The boys and I got  back from 
FL on the 9th and we had a wonderful time.  Thanks to all for the  tips.  The 
Painted Bunting made the trip for all of us.  Corkscrew  swamp was the place. 
 Hudson was momentarily crushed when he saw it. "It's  in a cage" he said 
quietly with sadness in his voice.  The Bunting was at a  feeder with a squirrel 
mesh around it.  He felt better when I told  him.  He felt much better when he 
saw it fly away.  A Little  Blue Heron gave us a show while eating crawfish 
(the LBH was eating, not  us).  He was within 10 feet and didn't care we were 
there.  Entering  Corkscrew  by the parking lot I heard a song.  I stopped the 
boys and  said, "that's a neat one, it has white eyes."  "Verio?" Hudson 
asked.   I guess he does look at that book I gave him.  A Limpkin flew over and  
"sang" his song.  What a sound that was!  While driving to my cousins  cabin, 
Hazen spotted a Kite.  "A Kite!" he exclaimed.  Of  course,  I wasn't acclimated 
and looked for a child holding a string.   We then saw numerous 
Swallow-Tailed Kites of which were all great.  We made  it down to Briggs Nature center and 
saw the Florida Scrub Jays.  We almost  gave up on them but finally showed 
about 9:00 AM.  Ten thousand Islands  showed us the Magnificent Frigate Bird, 
Black Skimmer and others.  The  airboat ride brought us Mottled Ducks, Tricolor 
herons, Black necked stilts  and more.  I didn't get to a lot of areas I had 
hoped.  Too many  touristy things to do with the boys which was fun too.
We got home late Saturday evening, and awoke Sunday to the pond free of  ice. 
The Kestrels were in their home again for the third year.   Song sparrows, 
Mallards, Doves (no WWD Randy, sorry), Juncos, woodpeckers,  grouse, Wood ducks, 
and frogs made it back before us.  And boy do I mean  frogs!  More than 
should be allowed in one pond -- of any size!   Spring has arrived and my 
binoculars are broken.  Hmmmmm.
Have a great spring!
Chris Elmgren
Gnesen TWP

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<DIV>Just a note for those who might be interested.&nbsp; The boys and I got=
back from FL on the 9th and we had a wonderful time.&nbsp; Thanks to all for=
tips.&nbsp; The Painted Bunting made the trip for all of us.&nbsp; Corkscrew=
swamp was the place.&nbsp; Hudson was momentarily crushed when he saw it. "I=
in a cage" he said quietly with sadness in his voice.&nbsp; The Bunting was=20=
at a=20
feeder with a squirrel mesh around it.&nbsp; He felt better when I told=20
him.&nbsp; He felt <EM>much</EM> better when he saw it fly away.&nbsp; A Lit=
Blue Heron gave us a show while eating crawfish (the LBH was eating, not=20
us).&nbsp; He was within 10 feet and didn't care we were there.&nbsp; Enteri=
Corkscrew&nbsp; by the parking lot I heard a song.&nbsp; I stopped the boys=20=
said, "that's a neat one, it has white eyes."&nbsp; "Verio?" Hudson asked.&n=
I guess he does look at that book I gave him.&nbsp; A Limpkin flew over and=20
"sang" his song.&nbsp; What a sound that was!&nbsp; While driving to my cous=
cabin, Hazen spotted a Kite.&nbsp; "A Kite!"&nbsp;he exclaimed.&nbsp; Of=20
course,&nbsp; I wasn't acclimated and looked for a child holding a string.&n=
We then saw numerous Swallow-Tailed Kites of which were all great.&nbsp; We=20=
it down to Briggs Nature center and saw the Florida Scrub Jays.&nbsp; We alm=
gave up on them but finally showed about 9:00 AM.&nbsp; Ten thousand Islands=
showed us the Magnificent Frigate Bird, Black Skimmer and others.&nbsp; The=20
airboat ride&nbsp;brought us Mottled Ducks, Tricolor herons, Black necked st=
and more.&nbsp; I didn't get to a lot of areas I had hoped.&nbsp; Too many=20
touristy things to do with the boys which was fun too.</DIV>
<DIV>We got home late Saturday evening, and awoke Sunday to the pond free of=
ice. The&nbsp;Kestrels were&nbsp;in their home again for the third year.&nbs=
Song sparrows, Mallards, Doves (no WWD Randy, sorry), Juncos, woodpeckers,=20
grouse, Wood ducks, and frogs made it back before us.&nbsp; And boy do I mea=
frogs!&nbsp; More than should be allowed in one pond -- of any size!&nbsp;=20
Spring has arrived and my binoculars are broken.&nbsp; Hmmmmm.</DIV>
<DIV>Have a great spring!</DIV>
<DIV>Chris Elmgren</DIV>
