[mou] Glossy Ibis

Pmegeland@aol.com Pmegeland@aol.com
Sat, 23 Apr 2005 20:24:46 EDT

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William Marengo, Bonnie Mulligan,Charlie Greenman and I looked today for  the 
GI. It was a no show, apparently last seen at about 1:00 PM on Friday.
Birds were pretty scarce in the cool, windy but clear weather.
We did seen a few birds of note:
7 Snow Buntings on Aiken Co 4(no owls seen)
1 Merlin at the place of the Ibis sighting
1 very large Perigrine Falcon in a field  a couple of miles north of  the 
town of Aiken after sitting there for a little while it flew west.
1 Broadwing Hawk while driving around the county
a number of Kestrals, Harriers, T Vultures, and Bald Eagles.
1 Savanah Sparrow
Paul Egeland

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<DIV>William Marengo, Bonnie Mulligan,Charlie Greenman and I looked today fo=
the GI. It was a no show, apparently last seen at about 1:00 PM on Friday.</=
<DIV>Birds were pretty scarce in the cool, windy but clear weather.</DIV>
<DIV>We did seen a few birds of note:</DIV>
<DIV>7 Snow Buntings on Aiken Co 4(no owls seen)</DIV>
<DIV>1 Merlin at the place of the Ibis sighting</DIV>
<DIV>1 very large Perigrine Falcon in a field&nbsp; a couple of miles north=20=
the town of Aiken after sitting there for a little while it flew west.</DIV>
<DIV>1 Broadwing Hawk while driving around the county</DIV>
<DIV>a number of Kestrals, Harriers,&nbsp;T Vultures, and Bald Eagles.</DIV>
<DIV>1 Savanah Sparrow</DIV>
<DIV>Paul Egeland</DIV>
