[mou] St. Louis River in the wind

John Green jgreen@d.umn.edu
Sat, 23 Apr 2005 20:26:30 -0500 (Central Daylight Time)

This afternoon we birded the St. Louis River from Riverside to Fond du Lac
in a stiff north wind.  Best place was at the foot of Boy Scout Landing in
Grary-New Duluth where there were: 
	19 Tundra Swans,
	100+ Canada Geese 
    		Plus a few (1-4 each):	
	Wood Duck,
	American Widgeon	,
	Common Goldeneye,
	Common Merganser,
	Red-breasted Merganser,
	Red-necked Grebe,
	Double-crested Cormorant
In Spirit Lake there were hundreds of Lesser Scaup and tens of Bufflehead.

Raptors seen: Osprey, Turkey Vulture, Red-tail, Bald Eagle

Almost no passerines.  It felt like early March.

Jan and John Green