[mou] sharptail in gnesen?

TeamVagrant@aol.com TeamVagrant@aol.com
Sun, 24 Apr 2005 21:48:24 EDT

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Leaving my house today, on the way to little league tryouts, a Sharptail  
grouse flushed along side truck and flew along side for quite some time.  I  had 
a wonderful look at it.  It was bwtween the Emerson road and the  Lismore road 
on Rice Lake road. Would this be an escapee from somewhere, or do  they 
actually show up sometimes? That just added to the odd day.  Earlier,  looking out 
on my pond (about 100' x 200') I was surprised to see a Cormorant  enjoying 
the frogs. That was a first for the pond list.
The first Savanna Sparrow showed today, and the Blue birds were scoping one  
of my houses.

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<DIV>Leaving my house today, on the way to little league tryouts, a Sharptai=
grouse flushed along side truck and flew along side for quite some time.&nbs=
p; I=20
had a wonderful look at it.&nbsp; It was bwtween the Emerson road and the=20
Lismore road on Rice Lake road. Would this be an escapee from somewhere, or=20=
they actually show up sometimes? That just added to the odd day.&nbsp; Earli=
looking out on my pond (about 100' x 200') I was surprised to see a Cormoran=
enjoying the frogs.&nbsp;That was a first for the pond list.</DIV>
<DIV>The first Savanna Sparrow showed today, and the Blue birds were scoping=
of my houses.</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
