[mou] Re: [mnbird] Fwd: More Ivory-billed News, plus an exclusive

John Schladweiler john.schladweiler@dnr.state.mn.us
Thu, 28 Apr 2005 15:49:36 -0500

 It is gratifying to know that MN may have played a part in saving this
species.  Back in the early '70s, there was a proposal (by the Corps I
think) to channelize a portion of the Cache River.  Minnesota DNR
intervened in the court case that developed over the proposal because of
the impact the proposal would have on a prime wintering area for
Minnesota's mallards.  A person from the Attorney General's office went
down to Arkansas to help with the trial.  Whether the portion of the
Cache River that was proposed for channelization was where the
woodpecker was found, I do not know.  I would like to think that it

John Schladweiler
New Ulm