[mou] Re: [mnbird] Ivory-Billed report

Thomas Maiello thomas@angelem.com
Thu, 28 Apr 2005 20:26:06 -0500

My apologies to anyone who had to endure a lengthy wait to download my 
email.  First I thought it was much smaller than it was and second I am 
new to this process and learn from my boo-boos.  Any future attachments 
will be very small if at all.  Thank you for your patience with a newbie.

Thomas Maiello

Thomas Maiello wrote:

> Just for convenience, I have attached the PDF file report that Jim 
> Williams led us to from Science Magazine (just in case you can't get 
> to the web site) or here is the direct address for the report 
> http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/data/1114103/DC1/1
> Thomas Maiello