[mou] FW: 2005 Waterfowl Population Survey Complete

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Mon, 1 Aug 2005 07:59:39 -0500

Here are some of the estimates on Duck populations this year.

Mark Alt=20
Sr. Project Manager=20
Entertainment Software Supply Chain=20
Project Resources Group (PRG)=20
Best Buy Co., Inc.=20
(W) 612-291-6717=20
(Cell) 612-803-9085

-----Original Message-----
From: MARTELL, Mark [mailto:MMARTELL@audubon.org]=20
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 12:38 PM
To: Mark Alt (E-mail)
Subject: FW: 2005 Waterfowl Population Survey Complete


I remember you asking about this.

Mark Martell
Director of Bird Conservation
Audubon Minnesota
2357 Ventura Drive #106
St. Paul, MN 55125
651-731-1330 (FAX)

-----Original Message-----
From: Important Bird Areas Program Discussion List
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 10:32 AM
Subject: FW: 2005 Waterfowl Population Survey Complete


Begin Forward
29 July, 2005             Contact: Nicholas Throckmorton, (202) 208-5634

         Early Dry Conditions Improving in Key Duck Nesting Areas;
                 2005 Waterfowl Population Survey Complete

Migrating ducks returning to important nesting areas in the
United States and southern Canadian prairies early this spring were
by dry conditions, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's
waterfowl survey.

However, the U.S. and Canadian prairies received substantial rain in
May and during the entire month of June that recharged wetlands and
encouraged growth of vegetation. While this improved habitat quality on
prairies, it probably came too late to benefit early-nesting species or
waterfowl from breeding farther north.

"We are certainly excited about the amount of rain that fell on the
prairies and parklands since late May," said Acting Service Director
Hogan.  "We don't know what impact it will have on production but likely
the rains benefited late nesting and re-nesting efforts.  It does bode
for maintaining nesting water this year and perhaps better habitat
conditions next spring."

The Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey, which is 50 years
this year, is the largest and most comprehensive survey of its kind in
world.  The survey samples 2.2 million square miles across the
and northeastern United States, Canada and Alaska. Pilot-biologists who
the survey estimate the number of ducks in the continent's most
nesting grounds, commonly referred to as the traditional survey area.
State and Canadian partners help collect the data.

In the traditional survey area of western Canada, Alaska and the
northcentral United States, the total duck population estimate
scoters, eiders, long-tailed ducks, mergansers and wood ducks) is 31.7
million birds.  This estimate is not statistically different from last
year's estimate of nearly 32.2 million birds.  It is 5 percent below the
1955-2004 average.

*     Mallard abundance was 6.8 million birds, which is 9 percent below
      last year's estimate of 7.4 million birds and 10 percent below the
      long-term average.

*     Blue-winged teal were estimated at 4.6 million birds.  This value
      similar to last year's estimate of 4.1 million birds and the
      long-term average.

*     Among other duck species, northern pintail, at 2.6 million, and
      northern shovelers, at 3.6 million, were significantly above 2004
      estimates, while the estimate for the gadwall, 2.2 million, was
      the 2004 survey results.  Scaup abundance, at 3.4 million, was the
      lowest ever recorded on the survey.  Biologists are studying the
      reasons for the decline.

*     In comparison with long-term averages, the 2005 estimates were
      for gadwall -- up 30 percent, northern shoveler -- up 67 percent,
      green-winged teal at 2.2 million - up 16 percent.  The 2005
      as compared to the long-term average were lower for northern
      - down 38 percent, American wigeon at 2.2 million - down 15
      and scaup down 35 percent.  Estimates for the redhead, at 592,000,
      and canvasback, at 521,000, were similar to their long-term

Across traditional duck nesting areas of western Canada and the
north-central United States, total pond numbers were 37 percent higher
last year.  This increase is primarily the result of changes in Canada,
where pond numbers increased 56 percent to 3.9 million ponds.  In the
northcentral United States, nearly 1.5 million ponds were observed,
to last year's estimate.

Nesting habitat was particularly poor in South Dakota because below
precipitation allowed tilling and grazing of wetland margins. Birds may
have flown over the State for wetter conditions to the north.

Water levels and upland nesting cover were better in North Dakota and
eastern Montana, and wetland conditions in these regions improved
during June with the onset of well-above average precipitation. The
prairies of southern Alberta and southwestern Saskatchewan were quite
in early May.

The Canadian Parklands fared much better this year, due to a combination
several years of improving nesting cover and above-normal precipitation
last fall and winter. These areas were in good-to-excellent condition at
the time of the survey. and conditions have remained good through early
summer. Record high levels of rain flooded portions of lower elevation
prairie areas of central Manitoba during April, producing fair or poor
nesting conditions for breeding waterfowl in some areas. Portions of
northern Manitoba and northern Saskatchewan also experienced flooding,
resulting in only fair conditions for breeding waterfowl.

Most of the Northwest Territories were in good condition due to adequate
water and a timely spring thaw that made habitat available to
species. However, dry conditions in eastern parts of the Northwest
Territories and northeastern Alberta resulted in low water levels in
and ponds and the complete drying of some wetlands. Habitat was
as fair in these areas.

Annual survey results help guide the Service in managing its waterfowl
conservation programs under the 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The
works in partnership with State representatives from the four flyways -
Atlantic, Mississippi, Central and Pacific - to establish regulatory
frameworks for waterfowl hunting season lengths, dates and bag limits.

Alaska was in mostly excellent condition, with an early spring and good
water, except for a few flooded river areas and the North Slope, where
spring was late.

In the eastern United States and Canada, habitat conditions were good
to adequate water and relatively mild spring temperatures. The
were the coast of Maine and the Maritimes, where May temperatures were
and some flooding occurred along the coast and major rivers. Also,
below-normal precipitation left some habitats in fair to poor condition
southern Ontario at the time of the survey. However, precipitation in
region following survey completion improved habitat conditions.

In eastern North America, the Service and Canadian Wildlife Service are
developing new methods of integrating data from multiple surveys.  As a
result, estimates for the eastern survey area are not directly
to those reported in previous years.  In the eastern survey area, the
American black duck population estimate was 827 thousand birds, a
of 24 percent from last year's estimate of 1.1 million but similar to
1999-2004 average. The estimate for the mallard, at 412 thousand birds,
declined 36 percent from 2004, but was similar to the 1999-2004 average.

To see the full results of the survey, which includes graphs and maps,
please see <http://migratorybirds.fws.gov/reports/reports.html>.  To see
how the survey is conducted and learn about the Survey's 50th
please see < http://www.fws.gov/waterfowlsurveys/>.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the principal Federal agency
responsible for conserving, protecting and enhancing fish, wildlife and
plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American
people. The Service manages the 95-million-acre National Wildlife Refuge
System, which encompasses 545 national wildlife refuges, thousands of
wetlands and other special management areas. It also operates 69
fish hatcheries, 63 Fish and Wildlife Management offices and 81
services field stations. The agency enforces federal wildlife laws,
administers the Endangered Species Act, manages migratory bird
restores nationally significant fisheries, conserves and restores
habitat such as wetlands, and helps foreign governments with their
conservation efforts. It also oversees the Federal Assistance program,
which distributes hundreds of millions of dollars in excise taxes on
fishing and hunting equipment to state fish and wildlife agencies.