[mou] Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrows, Cass County, Walker and Longville settling ponds

Scott Meyer darkwolfsaga@yahoo.com
Mon, 1 Aug 2005 09:16:25 -0700 (PDT)

Several Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrows were heard
singing at the NW corner 
of the HWY 8 bridge were it crosses the Boy River in
Cass County on August 
29, 2005.

On the same day I also saw five Lesser Yellowlegs, one
Pectoral Sandpiper 
and one Spotted Sandpiper on the Walker settling
ponds.  A small flock of 
Bonaparte's Gulls were also seen in the ponds.  The
Walker Ponds are located 
west off of Hwy 371 driving north toward town take a
left turn west turn on 
Ah-GWAH-ching road and then a right on 73rd Street N
before entering the 
Ah-GHWA-Ching State Health Care facility.  Follow 73rd
Street the west up 
the hill at which you will see two small ponds on the
north and one large 
pond to the South, all accessible from outside of the
security fencing.

Also over the weekend The Longville settling ponds
contained three Lesser 
Yellowlegs and a number of Least Sandpipers.  The
Longville settling ponds 
are north off of Hwy 84 on Pond Road within the
northwestern portion of 
Longville.  The ponds are immediately adjacent to the
airport and are easily 
accessible from outside of the security fencing.

All locations were obtained through the help of Ben
Weiland, Deep Portage Learning Center, Cass County.

Scott Meyer

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