[mou] Mississippi Kites in Duluth

Bjboreal@aol.com Bjboreal@aol.com
Mon, 8 Aug 2005 21:18:32 EDT

While working at 1530 London Road  today 8/8/05 , I observed an immature 
Mississippi kite at 2:40pm flying over the road approx 30 feet high. While 
watching it fight the wind and gain altitude, it joined  another immature slighty 
further west about a block up from London Road.

Todays strong southwest winds most likely pushed these vagrants. They were 
last seen moving up the northshore. A check up at Hawk Ridge at 6:45 revealed no 
sightings, although this would be late in the day to observe raptors.

Notes were taken minutes later after the sighting and will be sent into MORC.

Frank Nicoletti