[mou] Mississippi Kites in Duluth

Terence Brashear birdnird@yahoo.com
Mon, 8 Aug 2005 18:40:37 -0700 (PDT)

Must be the day for Mississippi Kites.  I had an
immature type this afternoon over the bridge
separating Lake of the Isles and Cedar Lake.  It was
hawking dragonflies and was attacked by an Eastern
Kingbird that drove it towards Lake Calhoun.  I lost
sight of it as it was being chased over the
southwestern tree line.  This was about a half hour
ago 8:10PM.

Keep your eyes peeled with all these dragonflies



--- Bjboreal@aol.com wrote:

> While working at 1530 London Road  today 8/8/05 , I
> observed an immature 
> Mississippi kite at 2:40pm flying over the road
> approx 30 feet high. While 
> watching it fight the wind and gain altitude, it
> joined  another immature slighty 
> further west about a block up from London Road.
> Todays strong southwest winds most likely pushed
> these vagrants. They were 
> last seen moving up the northshore. A check up at
> Hawk Ridge at 6:45 revealed no 
> sightings, although this would be late in the day to
> observe raptors.
> Notes were taken minutes later after the sighting
> and will be sent into MORC.
> Frank Nicoletti
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Terry Brashear
Hennepin County, MN
birdnird AT yahoo.com

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