FW: [mou] Quail Forever

Shelley Steva crossbill7200@yahoo.com
Mon, 15 Aug 2005 19:06:34 -0700 (PDT)

  I believe that it would be involved with the same
type of activity that hunting and fishing organization
would be involved in- land, lobbying and decision
making.  For example, many years ago I was at a
Minnesota Audubon meeting with some foresters.  They
said that clear-cutting was good for wildlife. It is
indeed- as long as it is for white-tailed deer and
ruffed grouse! Why did they care about that? It was
because hunters pay bills and non-consumptive users do
not! As long as birders don't pay the bills they will
not be listened to!
  If we wish to be listened to then we have to put
money up front! Like it or not- money talks in this
society. When we give money to the different
organizations the way the MN deer hunters do then the
DNR will listen to us!

Shelley Steva
Thief River Falls 

--- Heidi Ferguson <kinglet102@yahoo.com> wrote:

> All,
> I've thought for a long time that money talks.  I'm
> all for the birding and conservation communities
> getting behind our  owe version of the duck stamp,
> (maybe the warbler or raptor stamp)?  This would
> provide legislators hard numbers on the how many
> people support these activities.  Also, the monies
> raised could be used for programs that support birds
> and animals that are ignored by the hunting
> community.  The only question would be what activity
> could this stamp be associated with? 
> Heidi Ferguson
> St. Paul 
> patrick.beauzay@ndsu.edu wrote:
> I think it's time for our legislators to reevaluate
> the Federal Aid in
> Wildlife Restoration Act (Pittman-Robertson) and the
> Sport Fish
> Restoration Act (Dingle-Johnson). Amendments ought
> to be made to place
> excise taxes on binoculars, spotting scopes, camo
> clothing, etc. that
> sportsmen and sportswomen buy, regardless of the
> outdoor activity they are
> participating in. This would increase the general
> funds of both acts and
> hence provide more money to states for wildlife and
> fishery habitat
> restoration. Even better might be the creation of a
> separate non-game
> habitat restoration act that places an excise tax on
> binos, scopes,
> clothing, packs, and other field gear used by
> outdoor enthusiasts.
> Also, you don't have to fish or hunt to support
> Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants
> Forever, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Trout
> Unlimited, etc. All of
> these organizations employ wildlife and fisheries
> biologists who are
> dedicated to finding and implementing practical
> management plans for our
> natural resources. These organizations are geared
> towards managing game
> species, but non-game species benefit tremendously
> from their management
> plans.
> Patrick Beauzay
> Department of Entomology
> 217 Hultz Hall, Bolley Drive
> North Dakota State University
> Fargo, ND 58105
> 701-231-9491
> Patrick.Beauzay@ndsu.nodak.edu
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