[mou] possible Neotropic Cormorant, Big Cormorant Lake by Detroit Lakes

connie norheim cnorheim@msn.com
Mon, 29 Aug 2005 17:58:21 -0500

I just got a phone call from Steve Stromstad. He has a cormorant at his
lake home that he thinks is a Neotropic Cormorant. He said it has as
much white around its bill as a White-faced Ibis. He has seen Neotropic
Cormorants in Texas. He's going to try and get a photo of it, but if
there's anyone near him that could check the bird out he'd appreciate

Big Cormorant is 12 miles west of Detroit Lakes. For directions to his
home, call Steve at 218-439-6588.

Could this be the first of Mike Hendrickson's Hurricane birds?

Connie Norheim
Fargo, ND