[mou] Surf Scoter - Washington Co.

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Thu, 1 Dec 2005 13:25:13 -0600

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Dec. 1, 2005
Pt. Douglas Park
Washington County

An imm. Surf Scoter was with a group of 13 Bufflehead about 150 m north of the parking lot. It was first seen in resting position with 5 female Buffleheads. I probably would have dismissed it as a female BUFF had it not raised its head thus showing its distinctive double white head markings and sloped bill. It also flapped its wings revealing its dark speculum.

Also, present were 2 Greater Scaup (male, female), 2 Canvasback (male, female), and 4 Cackling Geese.

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<DIV>Dec. 1, 2005</DIV>
<DIV>Pt. Douglas Park</DIV>
<DIV>Washington County</DIV>
<DIV>An imm. Surf Scoter was with a group of 13 Bufflehead about 150 m north of the parking lot. It was first seen in resting position with 5 female Buffleheads. I probably would have&nbsp;dismissed it as a female BUFF had it not raised its head thus showing its distinctive double white head markings and sloped bill.&nbsp;It also flapped its wings revealing its dark speculum.</DIV>
<DIV>Also, present were 2 Greater Scaup (male, female), 2 Canvasback (male, female), and 4 Cackling Geese.</DIV>