[mou] Eastern Aitkin County Birds

Cindy Risen cbutler@lcp2.net
Thu, 01 Dec 2005 14:17:16 -0600

Hi all
Today and this week have been pretty good bird-wise in our backyard and 
north of Tamarack in eastern Aitkin County.

Today we had Great Gray Owl, both color phases of Rough-legged Hawk, 
Northern Shrike, Sharp-tailed Grouse and Bald Eagle along the road north of 
Tamarack. The owl is in the same area it has been since last winter, it is 
not seen often, but is always within the same half mile or so section of 
Kestrel Avenue about 5 miles north of Tamarack.

At the feeder are quite large flocks of Evening Grosbeak, sometimes between 
50 - 100 birds. Pine Grosbeak, Common Redpoll, Pine Siskin, Goldfinch, 
Purple Finch and Brown Creeper most of which were seen today. We have had a 
Red-bellied Woodpecker for the past month that stops in occasionally, too. 
The Barred Owls are still calling once in a while at night. The feeder is 
almost as busy as Kim and I are!

Hoping to catch up with our birding friends on Saturday at the paper 
session, see you then.

Cindy Risen
Tamarack, Aitkin County, MN

Our web site isn't done yet, but were working on it!