[mou] MSP Airport Snowy Owl

Scott Meyer darkwolfsaga@yahoo.com
Thu, 1 Dec 2005 17:16:51 -0800 (PST)

The Snowy Owl initially reported by Deanne Endrizzi
and relocated by Diane Doyle was again located at the
airport today.  I spotted the owl at 3:00 PM flying
over the North half of the airport.  

I also talked to two Aiport Police in which one had a
degree in ornithology, said the owl had spent
yesterday on building C.  I asked about security and
having many birders descending on the airport, and
they said that as long as people obeyed the signs and
stayed out of restricted areas things would be fine
(stay more than 6 feet from fence etc.).  

They said with binoculars they would probably run your
plates as they did mine, and if people were pointing
high power scopes and cameras into the airport they
would probably ask for ID and run it through the
system.  So if you are not doing any thing wrong and
have not done any thing wrong you have nothing to
worry about.  In fact I think they will be use full in
finding the bird if it stays there.  

At 4:00 PM the Owl was again relocated by a number of
people including Diane near it's previous location,
but further northwest on an orange beam.  

Scott B. Meyer

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