[mou] Four Owl Species - Sax Zim

Doug Kieser DKieser@CLYNCH.COM
Sat, 3 Dec 2005 21:04:00 -0600

Jim Otto, Scott Meyer and I enjoyed a visit to Sax-Zim bog this
afternoon, highlights:
Northern Hawk Owl (2) - one on Stone Lake Road 1/4 mile east of Hwy 7,
one on Arkola Rd .1 mile west of Stickney Road.
Great Gray Owl (2) - two birds on McDavitt Road, approx. 3 miles north
of county hwy 28 (Sax Road).
Snowy Owl - Immature female first observed on a utility pole along
county 52 (Arkola Rd), at the dead end road just east of county hwy 208
(at the curve in Arkola Rd.).   We had a great time watching this bird
flying from pole to pole, and catching a large meadow vole.
Great Horned Owl - One on Owl Ave. just north of Overton.
Four Rough-Legged Hawks - all dark phase.
Morning birds included a White-Winged Crossbill at Stoney Point, and
several flocks of Pine Grosbeaks and Redpolls along scenic 61.
Doug Kieser