[mou] CBC Celebrity at Marshall Dec 14th

Roger Schroeder ignacio_magpie@rohair.com
Mon, 5 Dec 2005 20:48:14 -0800

Just got a call from Kelly J. McKay a.k.a. "The Mad Counter" who
accomplished a CBC "Marathon" 2 years ago by participating on one CBC each
day of the count period. See the American Birds article through this link:
http://www.audubon.org/bird/cbc/pdf/104_044-45MADCOUNTERfeat.pdf .
Kelly has chosen the Marshall CBC to start hit attempt at a second CBC
Marathon this season. (Before you read too far into the last statement, I
assure you Kelly intends to come here only because its the closest CBC on
that date, and not because of Marshall's prime habitat, or its error-free
count compiler.

Anyway, if you have a chance to make it for Marshall CBC on Wednesday the
14th we'll start the autograph session while serving up a delicious meal,
and will direct you to a reliable location for a Lyon County Eurasian

You might also be interested in knowing that two other area counts -
Lamberton, and Cottonwood - are on the two following days (Thursday the
15th, and Friday the 16th)

Hope you all get a chance to participate on a Minnesota CBC this year as we
celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the MN CBC.

Roger Schroeder