[mou] Kittiwake today

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Thu, 8 Dec 2005 20:28:00 -0600

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The kittiwake was again present all day today near the outlet of the west lake at Black Dog and seen and photographed by several observers. It alternately feeds for a few minutes at the outlet and then roosts on the lake ice just south of the outlet. A few of us found it at 4:30pm among many hundreds of gulls on the east lake viewed from the power plant. Best bet is to be at the west outlet in the morning. 

Good luck
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<DIV>The kittiwake was again present all day today near the outlet of the west lake at Black Dog and seen and photographed by several observers. It alternately feeds for a few minutes at the outlet and then roosts on the lake&nbsp;ice just south of the outlet. A few of us found it at 4:30pm among many hundreds of gulls on the east lake viewed from the power plant.&nbsp;Best bet is to be at the west outlet in the morning. </DIV>
<DIV>Good luck</DIV>