[mou] Bluebird in Cook Co.

Jim & Carol Tveekrem jotcat@boreal.org
Sat, 10 Dec 2005 16:36:00 -0600

An immature male Eastern Bluebird (much brown mixed with blue on back, head
and wing coverts) landed on our garden fence about 3:00 p.m., scouted around
in spruces and brush, left when I put some raisins on a feeder table,
returned to sit on wires, but never did investigate the fruit or the suet
feeder.  This is the latest I have seen a bluebird here, although they are
often present during November.

We also have a lone White-throated Sparrow, which is able to fly, but the
left wing droops when it is folded.  Other than that, just Black-capped
Chickadees, both White and Redbreasted Nuthatches, Downy and Hairy
Woodpeckers, and occasionally a few Pine Siskins.  A Raven checks our yard
for snacks.  Small flocks of Am. Goldfinches here in November when we left
for vacation evidently have moved south.  We have occasionally had a very
few Evening Grosbeaks, so far no Pine Grosbeaks or redpolls.  Friends 5
miles inland see Pine Grosbeaks fairly regularly.

Jim & Carol Tveekrem, Schroeder