[mou] Ivory-billed Woodpecker articles and personal mental wonderings about the birding community and habitat conservation

MARTELL, Mark MMARTELL@audubon.org
Thu, 15 Dec 2005 14:43:08 -0500

MOU is an active partner in the Important Bird Areas program that =
identifies and works to improve bird habitat as noted below. We welcome =
any and all birders to work with us on preserving and expanding bird =
habitat in the state.

I agree that birders need to keep finding ways to step up and preserve =
bird habitat. But lets not overlook the positive impacts that over =
$1,000,000 in annual donations to the Non Game program, donations to TNC =
and other habitat protection groups, recovery efforts for many =
non-hunted species and local projects by Audubon chapters and other =
around the state have had. None of these were hunter driven and arguably =
came primarily from the segment of the population that would be =
self-describe bird watchers.

So buy a duck stamp, but do not overlook the value of your contributions =
to the other organizations you belong to.

Merry Christmas and a happy Christmas bird count.

Mark Martell
Director of Bird Conservation
Audubon Minnesota
2357 Ventura Drive #106
St. Paul, MN 55125
651-731-1330 (FAX)

-----Original Message-----
From: mou-net-admin@cbs.umn.edu [mailto:mou-net-admin@cbs.umn.edu]On
Behalf Of Kelly Larson
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:39 PM
To: Brad Bolduan
Cc: Mou-Net@Cbs. Umn. Edu
Subject: Re: [mou] Ivory-billed Woodpecker articles and personal mental
wonderings about the birding community and habitat conservation


most excellent wonderings!
I think a Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp would make a =
stocking stuffer! I also like the idea of posting a calendar of =
opportunities on the MOU web site. I know that MOU has recently leased =
land in
the interest of quality birding. How does it feel about becoming a =
and steward?

Kelly Larson
Bemidji, MN

Brad Bolduan wrote:

> Although I was burned out on the Ivory-billed Woodpecker hype for a =
while, I
> thought I should pass along the following link which I saw posted on =
> Iowa List Serve.
> =
> .html
> The article discusses the contributions hunters have made in habitat
> protection and monitoring with regard to the recent rediscovery of the
> Ivory-Billed Woodpecker.  I personally believe that this is an =
> message and I believe the article is well written - it may be worth a =
> The person posting to the Iowa list emphasized that birders, as well, =
> buy migratory waterfowl stamps (duck stamps) and that 98% of the =
> raised through these purchases goes toward habitat acquisition.
> The most recent issue of North American Birds also has a section =
> to Ivory-Billed Woodpecker monitoring and potential for rediscovery in =
> Southeastern US which I found interesting.  It, also, may be worth =
> if you can find a copy.
> Thinking about birders (MOU specifically) and habitat =
> just thinking off the top of my head...  I know some birders say they =
> reluctant to buy waterfowl stamps, but we all seem to believe =
> is important...  Has the MOU ever considered the possibility =
> for targeted habitat "acquisitions" (in conjunction with TNC, DNR, or
> USFWS)?  With the exception of Hawk Ridge I have never heard the =
> discussed, although the need for birders to be involved in =
conservation has
> often been discussed on this list.  I am thinking of an initative =
> to the fund raising attempts for Bolviar Flats a few years ago.
> Perhaps if TNC, USFWS, or DNR has a willing landowner near Felton =
> Red Rock Prairie, Salt Lake or near selected areas through-out the =
> there could be an organized structure for raising money from the =
> community (after all 36% of the state's population has been labeled as =
> Watchers").  Perhaps the birding community would be more willing to
> contribute if they knew where their habitat dollars would be spent.  =
Just a
> thought....
> If anyone is still reading, perhaps the MOU could take an active role =
> finding volunteers for monitoring or habitat improvement projects such =
> buckthorn removal.  Williams Nature Park (home of the often watched =
> Warblers) is one spot that is becoming overgrown with exotic species
> (buckthorn).  Perhaps the MOU could provide a method of organizing =
> crews" for such projects (assuming that the landowner has a similiar
> interest in preserving the habitat).  TNC does something similiar for
> habitat improvement projects on their preserves.  Perhaps it could be =
> simple as a volunteer opportunity posting to this list, a listing of
> upcoming habitat projects on the MOU website, or an annual supplement =
to the
> newsletter similiar to the ABA's "Volunteer Opportunities".  I wonder =
> much interest there might be for such a initative.  (I also wonder if =
> buckthorn at Williams could ever be eliminated by physical or chemical
> means)
> These activities may well be beyond the current abilities or interests =
> the MOU, but the article got me thinking about the issues, =
> and ...
> Thank you for your patience,
> Brad Bolduan
> Windom, MN
> _______________________________________________
> mou-net mailing list
> mou-net@cbs.umn.edu
> http://cbs.umn.edu/mailman/listinfo/mou-net

We moved.
We changed our name.
Come visit us in Bemidji, Minnesota.
(only 92 miles from Canada!)

Northern Flights
208 3rd Street NW
Bemidji  MN  56601
Phone: 218-444-3022

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