[mou] airport snowy

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Fri, 23 Dec 2005 16:14:00 -0600

A Snowy Owl was seen for at least an hour this afternoon at the Mpls 
St. Paul International Airport. It was first located by Paul Budde. The 
bird was sitting on the ground behind the facility that reprocesses the 
glycol used to de-ice planes. This building and its blue storage tanks 
are located immediately to your left as you exit the first tunnel on 
your way toward the UPS and FedEx freight terminals. You can drive 
behind the glycol building. It would be best to tell someone you are 
there. The owl has been seen in this location today and yesterday, 
according to the employee with whom I spoke. He warned me to be 
cautious of nails and other sharp pieces of metal that can be found on 
the driveway. The trucks that suck up the deicing chemical also pickup 
and deposit any stray pieces of metal they encounter on the runways. 
Flat tires are possible, he said.

Jim Williams