[mou] Airport snowy owl update

Rob Daves rob_daves@yahoo.com
Sat, 24 Dec 2005 11:17:35 -0800 (PST)

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Thanks to my two new friends from St. Louis, Mo., I finally saw the MSP snowy.  It was right where Jim Williams said it was yesterday, behind the glycol reprocessing facility.  I was driving slowly along Cargo Road when I saw Sandra and Matthew, who had driven up from St. Louis.  They mentioned seeing the owl, and I hadn't seen Jim's posting yet.  So they took me to the site.  The owl was sitting with its back to the junction of two taxiways looking out over an expanse of snowy field.  A security vehicle passed us by.  Matt went to get his camera and tripod, and I went to talk with an NWA employee who hadn't heard about the owl.  He told me that there were a lot of rabbits around.  He also explained that the facility we were standing on houses four 3.5-million-gallon glycol storage tanks. 
  Rob Daves

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<DIV>Thanks to my two new friends from St. Louis, Mo., I finally saw the MSP snowy.&nbsp; It was right where Jim Williams said it was yesterday, behind the glycol reprocessing facility.&nbsp; I was driving slowly along Cargo Road when I saw Sandra and Matthew, who had driven up from St. Louis.&nbsp;&nbsp;They mentioned seeing the owl, and I hadn't seen Jim's posting yet.&nbsp; So they took me to the site.&nbsp; The owl was sitting with its back to the junction of two taxiways looking out over an expanse of snowy field.&nbsp; A security vehicle passed us by.&nbsp; Matt went to get his camera and tripod, and I went to talk with an NWA employee who hadn't heard about the owl.&nbsp; He&nbsp;told me that there were a lot of rabbits around.&nbsp; He also explained that the facility we were standing on houses four 3.5-million-gallon glycol storage tanks.&nbsp;</DIV>  <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>  <DIV>Rob Daves</DIV>  <DIV>Minneapolis<BR><BR></DIV><p>
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