[mou] gyr 12/27 and eared grebe 12/26

Joshua F Cerra cerra003@umn.edu
Tue, 27 Dec 2005 22:08:51 CST


Today 12/27 our group of four located a gyrfalcon near the intersection of
County Highway 73 and Highway 55 in Dakota County.  It was visible from
Highway 55 on the west side as we headed south.  We got off on the next
available exit and doubled back north along the frontage road on the west
side of Hwy 55, Courthouse Boulevard Ct. E.  We located the bird perched on
a snag above a small wetland just west of the road.  I have a GPS mark if
you are interested.  I also threw together an aerial map of all locations
to date based on other emails posted, and would be happy to share this as

Yesterday 12/26, we made a late afternoon trip to Black Dog Lake.  At the
viewing point nearest the nuke plant on the eastern end of the lake, five
of us observed an eared grebe just west (on the water body where the gulls
and pelicans do not typically roost).  It was hunting at the culvert
outlet, about 50 feet away.  Two of the "usual" birders for the area who I
recognize from years past also viewed it.  One of them took a shot through
the scope that he thinks may be worth posting and if it is I hope he does.

I have been out of town for a few years, but the metro birding community
has not changed.  What a great group of helpful and pleasant people to meet
in the field.  For this trip, I would particularly like to thank Joe
Fuller, Michelle Friessen, Paul Peterson and his father Bill for showing
Daisy the Christmas Snowy Owls.  If any birders ever get over my way, send
me a note, I would be happy to show you around the Willamette Valley. 


Josh Cerra
Portland, Oregon