[mou] No Snowies (Hennipin Co.) and a question...

alyssa tiger150@comcast.net
Wed, 28 Dec 2005 13:48:51 -0600

Sorry if I already sent this message, I don't know how to e-mail everyone! I 
arrived on Cargo Road around 10:15 this morning. My dad and I looked around 
the fences, but not a single Snowy Owl. However, we did find a male American 
Kestrel, first mistaken for a Rock Dove. It flew behind us near the FedEx 
building and perched on the barbed wire on the opposite side. We got about 
35 feet away from him. What a little beauty! We went to the north end of 
Lake of the Isles, where a male Wild Turkey darted in front of our path and 
flew across to the island. We also saw a probable female Sharp-shinned or 
Cooper's Hawk. I would appreciate giving details to those who could help me 
identify it. Thank you.

Alyssa DeRubeis
Golden Valley

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joshua F Cerra" <cerra003@umn.edu>
To: <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 10:08 PM
Subject: [mou] gyr 12/27 and eared grebe 12/26

> Today 12/27 our group of four located a gyrfalcon near the intersection of
> County Highway 73 and Highway 55 in Dakota County.  It was visible from
> Highway 55 on the west side as we headed south.  We got off on the next
> available exit and doubled back north along the frontage road on the west
> side of Hwy 55, Courthouse Boulevard Ct. E.  We located the bird perched 
> on
> a snag above a small wetland just west of the road.  I have a GPS mark if
> you are interested.  I also threw together an aerial map of all locations
> to date based on other emails posted, and would be happy to share this as
> well.
> Yesterday 12/26, we made a late afternoon trip to Black Dog Lake.  At the
> viewing point nearest the nuke plant on the eastern end of the lake, five
> of us observed an eared grebe just west (on the water body where the gulls
> and pelicans do not typically roost).  It was hunting at the culvert
> outlet, about 50 feet away.  Two of the "usual" birders for the area who I
> recognize from years past also viewed it.  One of them took a shot through
> the scope that he thinks may be worth posting and if it is I hope he does.
> I have been out of town for a few years, but the metro birding community
> has not changed.  What a great group of helpful and pleasant people to 
> meet
> in the field.  For this trip, I would particularly like to thank Joe
> Fuller, Michelle Friessen, Paul Peterson and his father Bill for showing
> Daisy the Christmas Snowy Owls.  If any birders ever get over my way, send
> me a note, I would be happy to show you around the Willamette Valley.
> Regards,
> Josh Cerra
> Portland, Oregon
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