[mou] Black Dog Disappearence

Leodwm@aol.com Leodwm@aol.com
Thu, 29 Dec 2005 22:12:44 EST

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Hello everyone -
We went to Black Dog Lake today to look for Horned Grebe, Glaucous Gulls,  
Iceland Gull, and the Kittiwake and found... About one species. Common  
Mergansers... That was basically it. An odd herring gull, but it was quite sad.  All 
the excitement seemed to have left the lake today at around 3-4. Just  
notifying everyone!
- Leo WM

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<DIV>Hello everyone -</DIV>
<DIV>We went to Black Dog Lake today to look for Horned Grebe, Glaucous Gull=
Iceland Gull, and the Kittiwake and found... About one species. Common=20
Mergansers... That was basically it. An odd herring gull, but it was quite s=
All the excitement seemed to have left the lake today at around 3-4. Just=20
notifying everyone!</DIV>
