[mou] Dakota County Gyrfalcon update

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Mon, 7 Feb 2005 18:46:08 -0600

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At 4:25pm and again at 5:05pm tonight, I saw the Gyr terrorizing mallards within 75 yards. The first time was at the south end of Idell Road when the bird flew nonchalantly through a swirling flock of 1000 mallards. The second time was while I was standing on Hi55 and the Gyr flew directily toward me about 2 ft. above ground and flushed a few hundred mallards at 60 yards. The late sun was at my back and scene was simply stunning. Neither time did the Gyr strike a duck. My guess is that it is more successful in the morning, but only a guess. I understand that several others searching for the bird eventually got good looks off of Idell Road.

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<DIV>At 4:25pm and again at 5:05pm tonight, I saw the Gyr terrorizing mallards within 75 yards. The first time was at the south end of Idell Road when the bird flew nonchalantly through a swirling flock of 1000 mallards. The second time was while I was standing on Hi55 and the Gyr flew directily toward me about 2 ft. above ground and flushed a few hundred mallards at 60 yards. The late sun was at my back and scene was simply stunning.&nbsp;Neither time did the Gyr strike a duck. My guess is that it is more successful in the morning, but only a guess. I&nbsp;understand that several others searching for the bird eventually got good looks off of Idell Road.</DIV>