[mou] Expenses???

Ann and Manley Olson a_molson@unidial.com
Mon, 14 Feb 2005 18:21:33 -0600

  I do not have any report on spending but I can give some information 
on the extent to which people make an effort to see rare birds.We had a 
Varied Thrush in our neighborhood  for about a month,two weeks of which 
it was in our yard.During that time I know of at least 150 visitors,from 
at least 8 states.When the bird moved two blocks away I was not able to 
keep as close a count on visitors and we were in Arizona for 8 days.I 
talked with birders from throughout the Metro area and some from other 
parts of Minnesota and Western Wisconsin.I doubt if any visitors from 
other states came to Minnesota just for the Varied Thrush but I do know 
that some who came looking for owls did go out of their way to look for 
the thrush.The number of local visitors was probably increased by the 
fact that the bird was here on Jan 1 and we had about 50 visitors on 
that day  as birders wanted it for their year list.
Manley Olson

Randy Frederickson wrote:

>A reminder to ALL those who peruse this list serve that the MOU is trying to
>get a handle on the economic impact of birders in Minnesota this winter.
>THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, to all you kind folks that have already
>provided this information to me.  Thank you to all you Minnesotans who are
>diligently keeping track to send me a final count in early March.  (I will
>even accept your records if you are not diligent!)
>This is all bird generated TRIP MONEY, not just owling trips.  Those of you
>going to look at the Gyrfalcon, or just out for a Sunday drive, it all adds
>If you are with a group, please consider submitting one response (it makes
>things easier in my little corner of the world).
>Please try to include the following expense information:
>Transportation (gas, car rental, etc.)
>Air travel
>Guide service
>Misc. (books, clothes, optics)
>Also were you with a group or by yourself?  What state are you from? What
>month/s did you travel?
>Inclusive dates:  Oct. 1, 2004 to Feb. 28, 2005.
>Of equal importance, if you do NOT WANT TO submit your expenses but traveled
>in Minnesota this winter, PLEASE LET ME HEAR FROM YOU.  I do not need to
>know your reasons- they are your own.  But I need to get a handle on total
>number of visitors.  Just let me know you were here.
>To date I have heard from approximately 85 people.  Interesting enough,
>EVERYONE of them has been exceptionally good looking and brilliant.
>So....what group do you want to be in:-)
>Send results directly to me at this e-mail address.
>Randy Frederickson
>MOU conservation committee
>mou-net mailing list