[mou] Images Posted from recent Aitkin Trip

Ron Green rongreen@charter.net
Mon, 14 Feb 2005 21:18:01 -0600

I have posted the images I took from my recent 2/9-2/11 trip to Aitkin
County if anyone is interested in seeing them. Much of the time I spent in
and around McGregor on CR5 (from 210 to 53), 53, and CR4 (Dam Lake Rd) where
I found the greatest concentration of GGO's. I also saw 3 on 65, and 2 on 27
East of 65. The sightings and owl activity was very high on the 9th and
11th. It was very low on the 10th (very cold day). From my records, I had
over 80 unique GGO's counts, 3 NHO's, 1 Ruffed Grouse (CR5 north of Palisade
in Roberts Wickstrom's WMA), 4 bluejays (no images), and a Bald Eagle pair 2
miles East of McGregor south off 210. The images are located in the "New
Images" album. Hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I did taking them.

My Gallery:

Ron Green

p.s. Thanks to everyone who provided such great and reliable sighting
information, as well as detailed directions, prior to my trip. It made it a