[mou] Expenses????

Randy Frederickson fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us
Mon, 21 Feb 2005 11:15:44 -0600

As a long weekend draws to a close for many, the MOU conservation committee
again reminds birders we are collecting data on bird generated travel
expenses that occurred in Minnesota since Oct 2004.
TRAVEL- car rental, gas, airfare
MISC.- guide fees, clothes, photo supplies
STATE of origin
NUMBER of people in party

We are nearing $100,000 dollars of REPORTED revenue, and I revise my earlier
estimates; I think we are hearing from maybe 10-15% of birders.

For all you Minnesotans, waiting until the end of the month is great, even
preferred.  Don't worry, I'll nag again.

THANK YOU to all those who have endured my continued requests, and/or

To date, approximately 120 respondents, representing roughly 350 birders.

Randy Frederickson