[mou] Gyrfalson still present Monday morning..

Bill & Ruth Stauffer stauf007@umn.edu
Mon, 21 Feb 2005 12:45:13 -0600

The Gyrfalcon was seen by several observers this morning. The 1st sighting I
heard of[and just missed] was on a pole a the junction of CR42 and Foley
Ave. After several minutes the bird flew to the silo of a farm just
southwest of there, staying again just a few minutes and continuing off to
the southwest.[Just before we arrived]. In view of the direction the bird
was going, we proceeded out to SR55,  and sure enough, the bird was on a
roadside pole, about a half-dozen poles east of mile marker 216. The bird
then flew, again southwest across the field, and landed on a pole on 150th
Street where it stayed for at least 12 minutes[it was there when we left].
This pole was 6-7 tenths of a mile east of Goodwin Ave.[which starts across
SR55 from where CR42 joins it from the east.

Bill Stauffer