[mou] Re: Dakota Gyrfalcon

tfitz01@sprynet.com tfitz01@sprynet.com
Tue, 22 Feb 2005 16:09:57 -0600 (GMT-06:00)

With a day off of work, I went in search of the gyr.  From 12:45-2:15 p.m., I was in the area (Hwy 55 and CR 42).  Immediately upon arriving, I saw a hawk on top of a power pole near the junction of 55 and 42.  Hoping that this was the bird; I willed it to be the bird.  But alas, upon closer inspection, it was merely a Red-Tailed.  In the time spent in and around the area, I saw several RTH, many of which were perched on power poles along Hwy 55 between MM 214 and Jacob Road (past MM 217).  I did several loops of Hwy 55 east to Jacob Rd north to CR 42 (135th) west back to Hwy 55.  No gyrfalcon seen.  However, I did see an immature Bald Eagle, rough-legged hawk, kestrel, and of course RT Hawks everywhere.

Tom Fitzgerald