[mou] Banded Canada Goose Recovery Data

Tom Auer Tom Auer <mthomasauer@gmail.com>
Tue, 22 Feb 2005 16:42:35 -0600

I submitted data to the Bird Banding Lab in Maryland for a banded
Canada Goose that I (and others) saw in Two Harbors on 1/1/8/2005.
Today, I received a certificate from the lab, reporting the initial
banding data. This bird was 20 years old!!!!!

Banded: 06/27/1985
Age: Was too young to fly when banded in 1985.
Location: Ledford, IL (just east of Carbondale, IL)
Bander: Illinois DNR
Recovered: Two Harbors, MN
Date: 01/18/2005

This is a very enigmatic record in my opinion. First of this was a
"smaller" goose, I'm not calling this bird a Cackler by any stretch,
but this was one of the smaller Canada Geese, which was fully aged at
20 years. Second, what is it doing wintering NORTH of where it was
born??? Very interesting.

Tom Auer,