[mou] Owls on Hwy 61, Duluth Twp

John Green jgreen@d.umn.edu
Thu, 24 Feb 2005 07:41:36 -0600 (Central Standard Time)

This is a message from Jan on John's email

Yesterday, February 23, spotted a Boreal Owl on Hwy 61, about 0.5 miles
west of the Berquist Road on the upper side (northwest) of the Highway.
It was roosting in a red pine (as many of the birds spotted along Hwy 61
in Duluth Township have been).  It was 7:15 am just after the sun came up.

The Great Gray Owl, that has been seen several times between the Little
Sucker River and Tom's Logging Camp on Hwy 61, I saw again on February
22nd at 9:00 am.
