[mou] Early Dinner Today

Holly Peirson hpeirson@pclink.com
Thu, 24 Feb 2005 15:49:21 -0600

Just now, at 3:35 p.m., as I was sitting at my computer, which faces out my
ground-level window to the marsh and woods, I saw a flutter near my peanut
feeders. Something slightly larger than a jay came and got their dinner. I
stood up and carefully looked down at the ground, and there, not 8 ft from
my window, was a very healthy-looking adult Sharp-shinned Hawk standing upon
a smaller bird. It stood there for about 20 seconds, and then carried the
hapless meal into a tree. It proceeded to pick off feathers and is now
enjoying ... a chickadee.  It's been less than 5 minutes since this happened
and there is almost nothing left already. Things happen quickly in nature,
don't they?
Holly Peirson
Columbus Twnshp, SE Anoka Co.