[mou] Great Grays

Bernard P. Friel wampy@att.net
Thu, 24 Feb 2005 15:06:47 -0600

When I arrived in the Sandstone area yesterday to photograph the Great Gray
Owls the first one I saw was perched on a speed limit sign. I parked my  car
took out the tripod attached the camera and a 600mm lens and put my eye to
the viewfinder to frame the owl and the sign. As I did so there was a blur
in my peripheral vision, and as I raised my head to look a second Great Gray
landed momentarily on my lens shade and then flew off towards the owl on the
sign and then to a nearby tree. The owl that landed on the lens landed
facing away from me and paid no attention to me whatsoever. The lens was
apparently just another convenient roadside perch. The owl on the sign
remained calm, probably more calm than I was, and remained on the sign long
enough for me to shoot several frames. I was in the area from 10 :30 AM
until about 5PM and saw and photographed 15-20 different owls, all GGOs.
Bernard P. Friel
Web Page - http://www.wampy.com