[mou] More Field Trips Added!

Tom Auer Tom Auer <mthomasauer@gmail.com>
Fri, 25 Feb 2005 15:06:05 -0600


Kim Risen and I have worked on some more field trips for everyone to
enjoy. They are:

May 7th - Mille Lacs (one day)
Base: ?
Leader: Kim Risen
Kim will be leading a one day birding trip around the Mille Lacs area,
especially the South Shore. The Rice Lake NWR may be visited if there
is time. Please contact me (Tom Auer) if you're interested in this

June 18th - The Breeding Birds & Butterflys of Aitkin County (one day)
Base: Rice Lake NWR (meet at 6:00 am)
Leader: Kim Risen
Kim will be leading a one day birding trip around Aitkin County and
Rice Lake NWR to look for breeding birds, flowers and butterflies.
Please contact me (Tom Auer) if you're interested in this trip.

Kim will be leading these one day trips, with more details to come.
Don't forget, all these trips are FREE!

As well, the first MOU trip of the year is not too far away. We're
heading out to Rock County on April 16-17 to soak up migration. Here's
the details:

April 16th and 17th - Rock County
Base: Luverne
Co-Leader: Bob Dunlap
The far southwest corner of the state is considerably different from
the rest of the state with places like Blue Mounds SP. Spring
migration always has a good possibility of producing western vagrants
and strays, such as Spotted Towhee, Mountain Bluebird, Rock Wren and
Prairie Falcon. We have a good chance of seeing Great-tailed Grackle
and Black-headed Gull. The timing will be such that plenty of
waterfowl and raptors will still be present, but some shorebirds and
some passerines will also be arriving.

Bob Dunlap, that young wizard from Gustavus Adolphus, will be helping
me out. He's had lots of experience in the Rock County area and has a
very nice handle of the places to bird. So, come out and have a couple
of young lads take you around the far southwestern corner of the
state. I still have plenty of spaces available, so drop me an email if
you're interested.

Good Birding!
Tom Auer
Duluth, MN
MOU Field Trip Chairman