[mou] Expense update

Randy Frederickson fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us
Sat, 26 Feb 2005 10:34:27 -0600


Just in case you are curious, as of Friday night, 2/25...
Responses- 172
E-mails exchanged- 285
Birders represented- 488
States represented- most
Foreign countries represented- 3

Money spent- over 118,000

All figures are approximations and change daily.

Thanks to all who have replied and all who will at the end of the month.
Thanks to all of you who have helped get the word out.

A HUGE THANKS TO FRAN HOWARD, for volunteering talents, offering support and

A HUGE THANKS......FROM.......all the birds who cannot speak for themselves.

Randy Frederickson
MOU conservation committee