[mou] Fie on Photographers

decke003@umn.edu decke003@maroon.tc.umn.edu
Sun, 27 Feb 2005 22:31:21 -0600

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"I could be wrong, but I'm certain that I'm not,  Must have ?  thought I =
saw ?" You seem to making a lot of assumptions here, but I'm not hearing =
any facts.  Did you stop and inquire?   I have seen bad behavior from =
birders as much or more then from photographers, even guided bird trips =
where birders all get out a put their point and shoots in the owls face.

How do you know that the photographer put a mouse on the shoulder?  I =
have seen many owls take Meadow Voles from the shoulder, that's why they =
hunt near roads.  The photographer may have just been an observer, like =

"their monstrous lenses and total disrespect for other birders and the =
birds."   You sound like you resent their lenses, equipment and mere =
presence ?  " their total disrespect" ?? , I don't understand this at =

These photographers are usually nature lovers, naturalists and birders.  =
They are no better or worse then the general birding public. If this how =
we are reporting bad behavior by photographers, no wonder that there are =
so many reports.   Factual reporting is fine,  but this sounds like a =
personal tirade.=20

----- Original Message -----=20
From: "Tom Auer" <mthomasauer@gmail.com>
To: <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 9:43 PM
Subject: [mou] Fie on Photographers

> Up in Sax-Zim today, I saw a photographer almost cost a Great Gray Owl
> it's life. I could be wrong, but I'm darn certain that I'm not.
> We were on Arkola Rd, heading out of the bog, when we saw a white car
> pulled precariously over on the road. Arkola, which doesn't have much
> shoulder, sees a good bit of traffic as well. When we came in line
> with the car, we saw that this photographer must have put a mouse on
> the shoulder for a GGOW, because the bird took off as we passed and
> was clutching a clump full of grass (I thought I saw a mouse tail).
> Luckily for the bird, because we were birders,we slowed way down and
> swerved out of the way, but if it had been a fast moving local, this
> bird would have been dead. Seconds later the plow zoomed by and would
> have gotten the bird if we hadn't driven by first?
> This is the first time that I've seen this atrocity, but how can these
> photographers do this on these roads? Haven't they been warned? They
> have no ethics and they have no respect for the birds and I have only
> spite for them. I'm tired of seeing them out on HWY7, with their
> monstrous lenses and total disrespect for other birders and the birds.
> There's been a lot of bad behavior by photographers this year. What a
> bunch of selfish bastards.
> Tom Auer
> Duluth, MN
> _______________________________________________
> mou-net mailing list
> mou-net@cbs.umn.edu
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<DIV><FONT size=3D2>"<EM>I could be wrong, but I'm certain that I'm =
Must have ?&nbsp; thought I saw</EM> ?" You seem to making a lot of =
here, but I'm not hearing any facts.&nbsp; Did you stop and =
I have seen bad behavior from birders as much or more then from =
even guided bird trips where birders all get out a put their point and =
shoots in=20
the owls face.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>How do you know that the photographer put a mouse on =
shoulder?&nbsp; I have seen many owls take Meadow Voles from the =
that's why they hunt near roads.&nbsp; The photographer may have just =
been an=20
observer, like you.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2><EM>"their monstrous lenses and total disrespect for =
birders and the birds."&nbsp;&nbsp; </EM>You sound like you&nbsp;resent =
lenses, equipment and mere presence ?&nbsp;&nbsp;" <EM>their total=20
disrespect"</EM>&nbsp;<EM>??</EM>&nbsp;<EM>,</EM> I don't understand =
this at=20
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>These&nbsp;photographers are usually nature lovers,=20
naturalists and birders.&nbsp; They are no better or worse then the =
birding public.&nbsp;If this how we are reporting <EM>bad behavior</EM> =
photographers, no wonder that there are so many=20
reports.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Factual reporting is fine,&nbsp; but this =
sounds like=20
a personal tirade.&nbsp;</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2><EM></EM></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>----- Original Message ----- </FONT>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>From: "Tom Auer" &lt;</FONT><A=20
size=3D2>mthomasauer@gmail.com</FONT></A><FONT =
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>To: &lt;</FONT><A =
size=3D2>mou-net@cbs.umn.edu</FONT></A><FONT size=3D2>&gt;</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 9:43 PM</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Subject: [mou] Fie on =
<DIV><FONT size=3D2><BR></FONT></DIV><FONT size=3D2>&gt; Up in Sax-Zim =
today, I saw=20
a photographer almost cost a Great Gray Owl<BR>&gt; it's life. I could =
be wrong,=20
but I'm darn certain that I'm not.<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; We were on Arkola =
heading out of the bog, when we saw a white car<BR>&gt; pulled =
precariously over=20
on the road. Arkola, which doesn't have much<BR>&gt; shoulder, sees a =
good bit=20
of traffic as well. When we came in line<BR>&gt; with the car, we saw =
that this=20
photographer must have put a mouse on<BR>&gt; the shoulder for a GGOW, =
the bird took off as we passed and<BR>&gt; was clutching a clump full of =
(I thought I saw a mouse tail).<BR>&gt; Luckily for the bird, because we =
birders,we slowed way down and<BR>&gt; swerved out of the way, but if it =
been a fast moving local, this<BR>&gt; bird would have been dead. =
Seconds later=20
the plow zoomed by and would<BR>&gt; have gotten the bird if we hadn't =
driven by=20
first?<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; This is the first time that I've seen this =
atrocity, but=20
how can these<BR>&gt; photographers do this on these roads? Haven't they =
warned? They<BR>&gt; have no ethics and they have no respect for the =
birds and I=20
have only<BR>&gt; spite for them. I'm tired of seeing them out on HWY7, =
their<BR>&gt; monstrous lenses and total disrespect for other birders =
and the=20
birds.<BR>&gt; There's been a lot of bad behavior by photographers this =
What a<BR>&gt; bunch of selfish bastards.<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; Tom =
Duluth, MN<BR>&gt; =
mou-net mailing list<BR>&gt; </FONT><A =
size=3D2>mou-net@cbs.umn.edu</FONT></A><BR><FONT size=3D2>&gt; </FONT><A =

size=3D2>http://cbs.umn.edu/mailman/listinfo/mou-net</FONT></A><BR><FONT =

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