[mou] A Partial Apology

Tom Auer Tom Auer <mthomasauer@gmail.com>
Mon, 28 Feb 2005 07:23:56 -0600

To those I've offended,

I made some generalizations that are wrong. I should have said, my
comments are pointed at those photographers who have behaved badly. I
apologize for denigrating all photographers, for I know of and am sure
there are plenty respectable members.

I still keep my stance on those who have wronged. I've spent weeks in
the bog this year and have seen far more bad behaviour from
photographers, then I have from birders. Indignant photographers who
have ignored those observing birds at respectable distances, only to
move in and needlessly flush a bird. Obviously birders have committed
bad acts as well, but in my experience, not nearly as much. Also, I
was speaking to the Owl Invasion, not the list frentic South Texas

In regards to the event I saw, it could have only happened via a
photographer feeding a mouse, as the bird practically landed on the
photographer to catch the mouse. There was no way it was a natural
event. I was sharing this because it's been an issue before and it
would be an unnecesary death if it occurred again.

Finally, of course this is a tirade, but apparently I made some
misdirected and misunderstood comments. I should know better than to
make a heart-felt rant on here and next time I'll keep it to myself,
as the MOU is not a place for politics, for many have fallen because
of such events as this. I rarely make comments like this, but this
particular event struck me strongly and I felt the need to comment on
it. Enough said.

Tom Auer