[mou] Varied Thrush Falcon Heights

Ann and Manley Olson a_molson@unidial.com, a_molson@unidial.com
Sun, 02 Jan 2005 09:04:01 -0600

  I saw it briefly at 7:40 on the ground under the feeder,but have not 
seen it since.Yesterday the bird was at the yard on Prior and Howell 
from 9:45 until at least 1:00.
I do not know if anyone saw it later.There was also a Robin and Cedar 
Waxwings there. I will not be here much of today.If you see the bird 
leave a phone or email.Here the bird can be seen from my yard.Going into 
the yard behind us is usually not necessary and tends to drive the bird 
out of sight under the spruce trees.If it not out in the open,look for 
it under the wooden fence in the yard adjacent to us on the south.The 
people in the red house know about the bird as do most of the other 
people in nearby houses.
At the yard on Prior the bird is most often seen in the crabapple 
trees,both near the street and farter back on the lot. Theman who lives 
there is aware of the bird and birders but I have not talked with people 
in adjacent houses.
Manley Olson
1974 W Summer
Falcon Heights
651 644 2848