[mou] Request for assistance, clarified

bill lane bill lane <owlman@mindspring.com>
Tue, 4 Jan 2005 16:44:37 -0600 (GMT-06:00)

In response to several queries about the boxes, most will be hung in Cook County and some will be hung in eastern Lake County.




original message:


I am looking for a few people to help me hang nest boxes over the week-ends (primarily
Saturdays), through February. With snow depths approaching 3', the tasks aren't 
for the squeemish. There is some lifting (me when i fall off the ladder), some climbing
(there's some nasty windfall), and to get around, snowshoe skills are a must.  Accordingly,
volunteers should be in good physical condition and able to tolerate cold, snow,
and a cantankerous owl-guy.  If you are interested, please e-mail me.   

Thanks in advance. 

Bill Lane 
